St Simon Stock Catholic School

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Collective Worship

The school’s dedication to Collective Worship stems from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Article 1324: The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” We offer Collective Worship to staff and students as part of our vocation and call to serve God and each other.

Our provision of Collective Worship includes, but is not limited to:


Prayer is a central part of our daily routine. Students are given the opportunity to pray multiple times throughout our school day. Each lesson starts or end with the sign of the cross reminding us all that Christ is at the centre of all we do and as a way of offering each lesson to God then followed by our school Responsorial Prayer:

Leader: Let all the do we and learn…

Response: Be done in love.

Each day starts with form time prayer which varies depending on the day, types of form time prayer include: the prayer of St Simon Stock, their ‘house saints’ prayer, an open time of intersession, and a weekly Examine.


Mass is celebrated every week in our Chapel on a Thursday. A different form class is invited to partake each week, students from each form are encouraged to take a lead in the Mass by reading, participating in the offertory or contributing in another way. We also hold Masses at the start of every year to welcome new students and welcome back those who have returned and leavers Masses for the Year 11 and Year 13 students. Masses also take place on every Holy Day of Obligation. We also hold Reconciliation Services during Advent and Lent as well as Liturgies to celebrate Easter and Christmas.

Celebration of the Word

Every other week the students are lead through a Celebration of the Word by a member of our Senior Leadership Team, Chaplaincy Team or RE Department. They are often based on the Gospel of the Sunday before and gives the students an opportunity to reflect on what the Gospel in telling them. A chance for the students to hear the word of God and reflect on what it is asking from us. It is also an opportunity to come together as a year group and pray for each other and our school community.
