Catholicity at St Simon Stock
At St Simon Stock Catholic School, we strive to create an environment built upon the Gospel Value of love, which is present in our school motto: “Work with Love”. Our Catholic character is what makes us stand out from other schools in Maidstone. Our membership as an academy within the Kent Catholic Schools' Partnership helps us maintain that important Catholic identity and better serve our students and care for our staff.
Our Catholic character is reflected in three ways: our Catholic Life and Mission, our Religious Education department and our Collective Worship.
Catholic Life and Mission
At St Simon Stock Catholic School, we are committed to embedding the Catholic life and mission in everything we do, from the crucifixes that hang in our classrooms, to the support and provision we give to each member of our school community.
Prayer of St Simon Stock
Heavenly Father, you called Saint Simon Stock to serve you
in the family of
Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
Through his prayers,
Help us, like him, to live in your presence,
And to work for the salvation of the human family.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
St Simon Stock, Pray for Us
Our Responsorial Prayer
Let all that we do and learn
Be done in love
Our support of Charities
The school’s commitment to supporting charities stems from Christ’s call to serve others: “ 35 I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me… just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:35-36,40).
As a school we support many different Charites over the academic year. Some of the main Charites we support are CAFOD and The Heart of Kent Hospice. The students are encouraged to pick charities which they want to fundraise for with our faith and service prefects taking lead of organising fundraising events. We understand the importance of fundraising and giving the students a chance to take responsibility for the impact they can make on our world.
Find out more about how we are Giving Back.
Our provision of Religious and Sex Education and Spiritual, Moral, Cultural and Social education
As a school we recognise the DfE Guidelines on education of Relationship and Sexual Education and we also follow the guidance given to us by the Diocese. Additionally, we recognise the DfE’s guidance on SMSC provision. We embed RSE and SMSC within our provision of Personal Development and Wellbeing (PDW) which is taken by all students, as well as across the curriculum.