St Simon Stock Catholic School

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Art, Design and Photography Exhibition '24

The St Simon Stock 2024 Summer Exhibition showcased the creative abilities of our recently departed Year 13 Art and Photography students and our up-and-coming Year 12’s.

Once again, it was a delight to see friends and family seeing the work first-hand, for the first time. It was a wonderful family atmosphere with many students proudly having their photos taken alongside their work.

It was an exciting atmosphere with students, parents and family friends looking enthusiastically at the work. The students had seen each other’s pieces in production, or around the department, so unlike most guests, were familiar with the work. However, on the wall, by some magic of their mere arrangement in a gallery space, they seemed to be cast in a new light.

This carefully curated exhibition provides a climax to the academic year and an opportunity to promote and celebrate the student’s creativity.

Their work shows the dynamic range of ideas and highlights their independence and creative thinking. The sophistication of their work led to outcomes ranging from large, conceptual furniture designs, studio photography, timelapse experiments, sculptural fashion piece’s, ceramics and digital paintings - alongside more traditional drawing and painting.

School Governor Mr Michael Reidy attended, with his passion for art and design clearly evident. Students were enthused by the interest he took in their work and the concepts behind their effort.

It was pleasing to hear him reflect on the evening:

The strength of the exhibition demonstrates the school’s incredible talent base – and the equal talents of the teachers to help them express it.

I don’t think I’ve seen a school exhibition where so many of the pieces were not only so well executed but that had such impact”.

We look forward to the Summer Exhibition in 2025!

Mr Martin

Subject Leader of Art & Photography

Art Exhibition '24

